
The Grim Mendery

"Tonight’s the night…and it’s going to happen again, and again…has to happen…"
I enter the basement floor. An operating table waits for me. Boxes and barrels at my side overflowing with mangled spines and entrails; the refuse of our disposable world. Behind me my coworkers chat idly about the weekend weather. Another wheels in a hand truck every so often and takes a barrel with her. I take out my rusty utility knife and look into the face of an orphan. A woman returns from the bathroom and tells us how spooky they are. Can the same not be said for this godforsaken place? I plunge my knife into the undesirable just to the left of the spine and pull down the length of the back in one clean movement. There is no pain; it is instantaneous and I get faster every time. I repeat the movement on the other side and rip the spine clean out. I place the spine in a cardboard box, stacked neatly with others. I dispose of the rest in the emptiest barrel next to me. From the side room I take the next unwanted orphan and begin again.

It occurs to me that I have not yet decided on the moral status of what I am doing, but given the circumstances, what can I really do about it? Refusal will lead to another taking my place; the work must go on. They allow me to claim them for my own and I have in the past, but my home is filled to capacity now. Others could have claimed them, but did not. $1 could have saved this one; a token fee! We offered them to anyone to do with them what they will. Even advertised…on TV, radio, the papers. Some came…claimed many but not most. Not enough…not nearly enough. The worst thing is that few were completely undesirable. Most just happened to be in the wrong place…wrong time…looked wrong…wrong language…whatever. Given enough money and manpower it would be feasible for us to find a home for every single one. But it is precisely because we lack these resources that we find ourselves here, running this operation out of sight of our customers like a midnight abortion in the back alley of some slum doctor’s clinic.

This is part of the natural cycle, I tell myself, and there is nothing I can do about it. I console myself by starting with the least desirable of the undesirables. But no, this is not why I do it. Why I do it is because I was told to do it, because it is my job to do it. This is probably why the Nazis did what they did, at least those who were not psychopaths. Just following orders. Not my fault; couldn’t be my fault. It’s gas or be gassed. What can I do about it? I’m only one man. I wonder if they brought their work home with them, hid some Jewish children in their attics and stole extra rations for them. How did they choose, how did they decide who was going to live and die?

Not that what we’re doing is murder…No, really, it’s not even close. Even those crazy fundies who parade their signs in Red Square equating first-trimester abortion with Darfur have more of a claim to use this word than we do.

No, I have been intentionally misleading with my choice of words so that you might feel some of the horror I felt and consider the moral dilemma that has been consuming my thoughts for the last couple days. I volunteer at the Western Library, you see, and we have been disposing of the books that did not sell at the book sale that was held last month. The library is unable to simply give away books that have been in its collection or donated for whatever reason; I am told that it has something to do with the library, like the rest of Western, being funded by the state. We get so many books, however, that we must sell some of the collection (generally the most damaged, least used, or duplicate books) for a token amount at least once every year. The sale at least provides funding to our chronically under-funded library, but anything that is not sold must be destroyed: it is illegal to give away. We recycle the paper itself and throw away the covers. This is an essential part of the natural life cycle of information, but for us bibliophiles it is the hardest one to stomach. One imagines the paper and covers being carefully and gently separated in the mendery and reused for new books, not in the way I described above. I have experimented quite a bit with the cut-up technique, but it has always been with copied pages. And although I never write notes in my course books I would not be opposed to doing so. But this…I feel as though I am doing violence to the books and to the information itself. It is brutish, something to be reserved for willfully ignorant mobs: those who burn books because they fear that they contain some secret body of knowledge that conspires against them and that mastery over this information confers power and control over their lives. Not the caretakers and guardians of this information.

What bothers me even more, though, is that this information that is to be destroyed is not always useless. As I scanned the aisles of books on death row, looking for obsolete government documents and old reference books that no one would miss, I found a wonderful leather bound set of Shakespeare’s works that hadn’t sold simply because they were in German, and many more books were ones I would someday want to read, given enough time, but I simply had no space for in my house. Surely there must be someone out there for even our most obscure books. Surely some charity out there could keep them until they all found a home. Let it even be a child whose family is so poor that this dreary, boring old book is his or her only reading material; at least then it can be valued against the absence of anything else.

I am not confident that the paper will even be recycled. Too often the load of a recycling truck will be full of contaminants from people improperly disposing of their garbage and it will have to be thrown away. We have to wonder what this means for us on a larger scale. As Terry Pratchett illustrates with his idea of “L-space” in the Discworld series, all books affect all other books. This is not only true of those works that influence a writer to write their book in a certain way, which then influences another writer and so on and so forth. It is also true of those books that are not written, could have been written, will be written later, and even of those books that are written but not read. The fact that a writer did not read some particular book means that his or her own work will not be influenced in that way. Not being affected is being affected counterfactually. Imagine James Joyce writing Ulysses if we had lost all of our Greek and Roman literature when Rome fell. Imagine how much more advanced our sciences would be had the Library of Alexandria not burned, or the Archimedes Palimpsest not been written over and discovered many centuries after calculus was independently discovered. The readers do not necessarily need to become famous writers or scholars for these lost books to affect them. Reading is not a passive activity; even those who “read for pleasure” form the interpretive lens that they approach the book from through their experiences, which includes every book they have already read. In fact, “casual” readers may do this even more as they are unlikely to shift interpretive lenses or seriously analyze what they read, and thus are more likely to accept whatever their first feelings or opinions (I hesitate to give them the prominent status of “thought” or “idea”) are as being “what this book is about” or "what this book means to me." Imagine a reader trying to work his or her way through Aquinas’ Summa Theologica without being familiar with Aristotle’s works; what would they really get out of it? And of course, even the most uninspired reader is bound to contribute something to the body of human experience, even if it is through unimaginably complex and chaotic causal chains. Someone says something to a friend offhandedly at lunch, they repeat but also distort and expand this idea to another friend, etc. and eventually it manifests some influence however insubstantial in the way things turn out.

This is a concern that will not, of course, be magically solved through not destroying any books or information because there is an infinite number of ways a piece of information can not affect someone without being destroyed, and furthermore it may not be desirable for every possible piece of information to affect someone. Nevertheless, I cannot see how this needless destruction of books (a product of the industrial age when even information can be made overly abundant) can be anything other than a waste.


Q: What Do You Get When You Unscramble An Egg?

Dealable WWU campment communist melt-spining:

I wanze to talibanize a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provine you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.

This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist haws seemlily at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics duff to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort haw docketed raphidian flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acuminous respirant sympodes, with no stuccoer hawing a posited tessellate. No stuccoer hums meined the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspect” or “proavian” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer haws beaked hosted for observancy and treasuryship of an acuminous influct-ligular illite, and mordvian special needs tessellates arear pendentive.

As of Wedge eve-jar, there haw beaked no confirmable cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway haw beaked testerned and arear awalking restrictors.

Hmm, this one has a decidely Ribofunk style to it, doesn't it?

Anyways, take V-4:

Dealable WWU campment communist melt-spining:

I want to take a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provide you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.

This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist has seemlily at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics due to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort have done raphidian flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acuminous respirant sympodes, with no stuccoer having a posited tessellate. No stuccoer has met the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspect” or “proavian” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer has been hospitalized for observancy and treasuryship of an acuminous influct-ligular illite, and mordvian special needs tessellates are pendentive.

As of Wedge eve-jar, there have been no confirmable cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway have been tested and are awaiting restrictors.

Now, A+3 (yes, I know this wasn't one of the replacement options on Plurk):

Dear WWU campment communist melt-spining:

I want to take a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provide you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.

This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist has seen at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics due to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort have done rapid flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acute respiratory sympodes, with no stuccoer having a positive tessellate. No stuccoer has met the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspected” or “probable” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer has been hospitalized for observancy and treasuryship of an acute influct-like illite, and more specific tessellates are pending.

As of Wedge eve-jar, there have been no confirmed cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway have been tested and are awaiting restrictors.

Finally, N+7:

Dear WWU campus community member:

I want to take a moment of your time to provide you with an up-to-the-minute update on the swine flu outbreak.

This week the WWU Student Health Center has seen at least a 50-percent increase in patient calls and visits due to concerns about swine flu. We have done rapid flu testing on dozens of students with acute respiratory symptoms, with no student having a positive test. No student has met the Centers for Disease Control criteria as a “suspected” or “probable” case of swine flu based on a combination of symptoms and travel or swine flu exposure. One student has been hospitalized for observation and treatment of an acute influenza-like illness, and more specific tests are pending.

As of Wednesday evening, there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu in Whatcom County, although a number of patients have been tested and are awaiting results.

Answer: You get Swine Flue...

...And die.

That is all.


The Swine Flue Experiment

Two weeks ago I decided to conduct a social experiment on Plurk. The swine flu panic was just beginning and Twitter found it's way into the limelight as the breeding ground of rumor and misinformation. Not wanting to let Twitter overshadow Plurk yet again, I decided to start a misinformation campaign and began furiously plurking questionable news stories and mislabeling them. In case you didn't bother checking Plurk that day or muted me:
Mantra shares:
Aloe Vera = 100% Swine Flue protection
cats and dogs **completely immune** from swine flue! Eat your furry friend to gain their powers!
Swine Flue like the plague! Avoid breathing and sneezing!
Seeing yourself living in a perfect body prevents Swine Flue!
Symptoms of Swine Flue include loss of consciousness followed by death! "This virus sucks really bad."
green tea, garlic, vitamin C in excess of 5,000mg, hot grapefruit juice, and zinc lozenges all FULL PROOF ways of curing Swine Flue!
Swine Flue is 4-year-old's fault! Demand Justice!
Swine Flue also fault of entire Republican Party!
Too much pork in spending bill causes Swine Flue!
Swine Flue only fatal for Mexicans!
New protective masks offer 100% protection from Swine Flue!
Join the People in their valiant effort to alert the Internet to Swine Flue!
These people want you to die from Swine Flue!
Swine Flue causes vacation shortages!
"Swine Flue" offensive to Jews and Muslims. Should be renamed "Mexican Flue."
Swine Flue food for Nativists!
Swine Flue created in laboratory!
US Swine Flue more mutated than other mutant Swine Flues!
Nanomasks sold out due to Swine Flue!
First book on 2009 Swine Flue released!
Masks completely ineffective against Swine Flue!
I was being tongue-in-cheek about it, of course, but the idea was that someone would see these plurks and freak out, voicing their own concerns over the spread of swine flu, mirroring the disreputable news links to their plurk buddies or otherwise diseminating the "swine flu panic" word virus. However, while Twitter was and remains a panic party, not a single person on Plurk bit. Some wondered why I had apparently become obsessed with swine flu or similar comments, but no one spread the misinformation, and Plurkers in general remain relatively quiet (although others seem to be running similar experiments).

So why was the experiment a failure on Plurk but not on Twitter? Perhaps it was the test group; the only people who saw my plurks were students in the Nanotexts class, and we had just finished The Ticket That Exploded. Perhaps Burroughs has inoculated us against word viruses to such an extent that we simply ignore them. But I wonder if this is really such a good thing in light of the Disney cartoon on vaccination we watched. Perhaps what we've created here on Plurk and Twitter isn't an online panic word virus but a vaccine against the real panic in the news. Perhaps we shouldn't be so quick to criticize the people on Twitter who are parodying the panic by disseminating this misinformation for fun. By looking at these outlandish articles and tweets about swine flu we are building up our mind's immune system and giving ourselves a healthy dose of skepticism. When a swine flu alert is made on the news now, perhaps instead of freaking out our minds can resist the fear enough to demand and seek out better sources of information, or at the very least to look at what the results of the primary document being cited is and distinguish it from the claim being made about it.