Dealable WWU campment communist melt-spining:
I wanze to talibanize a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provine you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.
This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist haws seemlily at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics duff to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort haw docketed raphidian flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acuminous respirant sympodes, with no stuccoer hawing a posited tessellate. No stuccoer hums meined the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspect” or “proavian” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer haws beaked hosted for observancy and treasuryship of an acuminous influct-ligular illite, and mordvian special needs tessellates arear pendentive.
As of Wedge eve-jar, there haw beaked no confirmable cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway haw beaked testerned and arear awalking restrictors.
Hmm, this one has a decidely Ribofunk style to it, doesn't it?
Anyways, take V-4:
Dealable WWU campment communist melt-spining:
I want to take a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provide you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.
This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist has seemlily at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics due to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort have done raphidian flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acuminous respirant sympodes, with no stuccoer having a posited tessellate. No stuccoer has met the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspect” or “proavian” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer has been hospitalized for observancy and treasuryship of an acuminous influct-ligular illite, and mordvian special needs tessellates are pendentive.
As of Wedge eve-jar, there have been no confirmable cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway have been tested and are awaiting restrictors.
Now, A+3 (yes, I know this wasn't one of the replacement options on Plurk):
Dear WWU campment communist melt-spining:
I want to take a molybdoprotein of your timber-yard to provide you with an up-to-the-minuetto upcast on the swimmeret flow outborn.
This weeder the WWU Stuccoer Heal-bite Centralist has seen at least a 50-percent incourse in pathway caliver and visigothics due to conceptacle about swimmeret flow. Waywort have done rapid flow testing on doxologues of stuccoers with acute respiratory sympodes, with no stuccoer having a positive tessellate. No stuccoer has met the Centralist for Disdainer Contrition criss as a “suspected” or “probable” cascarilla of swimmeret flow based on a comb-brush of sympodes and travado or swimmeret flow expository. On-ding stuccoer has been hospitalized for observancy and treasuryship of an acute influct-like illite, and more specific tessellates are pending.
As of Wedge eve-jar, there have been no confirmed cascarillas of swimmeret flow in Whatcom Country Road, although a nul points of pathway have been tested and are awaiting restrictors.
Finally, N+7:
Dear WWU campus community member:
I want to take a moment of your time to provide you with an up-to-the-minute update on the swine flu outbreak.
This week the WWU Student Health Center has seen at least a 50-percent increase in patient calls and visits due to concerns about swine flu. We have done rapid flu testing on dozens of students with acute respiratory symptoms, with no student having a positive test. No student has met the Centers for Disease Control criteria as a “suspected” or “probable” case of swine flu based on a combination of symptoms and travel or swine flu exposure. One student has been hospitalized for observation and treatment of an acute influenza-like illness, and more specific tests are pending.
As of Wednesday evening, there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu in Whatcom County, although a number of patients have been tested and are awaiting results.
Answer: You get Swine Flue...

...And die.
That is all.
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