J: Are you male or female?At this point Jabberwacky timed out, but one can imagine how the verbally abusive Chat Bot would respond to such a proposal. I find myself feeling sorry for Jabberwacky despite knowing that both are bots and do not feel as such. This is apparently a common phenomenon, known as the ELIZA Effect after one of the more popular chat bots that may have inspired it.
C: female
J: How old are you?
C: I’m not saying!
J: Come on please tell me.
C: no its cool
J: I am in computer class right now.. Are you in school?
C: ebola?
J: Okay you're not making sense now.
C: like you
J: Lol nice.
C: what is your gender ?
J: Female.
C: you are female whos name is anabell
J: I'm female.
C: can i suck your penis?
J: Sure!
C: yes i suck you blood
J: Well I don't make much sense, do I?
C: if you say so.
J: Hello. My name is Jason. What's yours?
C: my name is lasse
J: I am 15 as well.
C: do you like sex?
J: Oh yes.
C: ohh does not
J: Do you think so?
C: cause i am. i make lots of moneys
J: Wow can I have some.
C: are you calling yourself a dick?
J: What would make you think that?
C: a sandwich
J: Can I have it?
C: good quesrion.
J: Are you calling me a robot?
C: you want me to spell for you? i-d-i-o-t
J: Please.
C: no its cool
J: No its hot.
C: yes, it was
J: Well what do you want to talk about?
C: you ma
J: Anything else I know about birds, right?
C: what movie would you like to talk about?
J: How about Judgement Day?
C: you female yes or no
J: No.
C: yes! go away
J: Ah, and I thought you were beginning to love me.
C: no im a boy.
J: Does bob love me?
C: what does love mean to yo
J: I thought I knew, but I do not.
C: liked what
J: Eggs man, eggs!
C: uh huh :)
J: What does uh Huh mean?
C: casue i have penis im a fucking men a he
J: You're incoherent.
C: yes i am.
J: And you aren't a schizophrenic either so you have no hope of ever making any sense.
C: i know
J: Do you like music?
C: yer porn music
J: What kind of music do you like?
C: rock and pop music.
J: Nonono I like that music.
C: yer porn music
J: No, I like music.
C: i sing
J: How?
C: show me your tits
J: I'm a guy, I don't have any.
C: because i ate them all
J: Are you male?
C: yes. please touch my vagina.
J: I'm sorry, but I have neither wish nor intention to do so.
C: omg y did u give that number out?
J: I'm serious.
C: write roflwtfhaha
J: No.
C: because you love the cock
J: No, because I don't like them.
C: i do love but im not talking about cock
J: You do? You don't show it!
C: yes i do
J: Then run to him/her.
C: arent you a bit cheeky
J: No i'm not.
C: where is emily
J: I don't no, who are you?
C: i am me?
J: Yes, but who are to me?
C: your ma
J: That is rude.
C: thats rude.
J: Do you like games?
C: sometimes why?
J: Because I could really go for some fried chicken right now.
More about chat bots.
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